Month: March 2010

  • Some Assies Don’t Know What They’re Talking About

         There is a group on Facebook called “I Bet We Can Find 1,000,000+ People on Facebook Who Disapprove of the Health Care Bill.”  On the discussion board, some tool named Jeff Helgerson, addressing another member of the group, said this:

         “Rachael, how is forcing them to buy car insurance or pay taxes to support schools different?”

         And some stupid black guy named William James, who supports the bill, said this:

         “The constitution is a lame arguement [sic] when it comes to helping your fellow american [sic]. If you honestly think that you are somehow being threatened by this, MOVE TO MEXICO….”

         Addressing both these morons, I said this:

         “Jeff Helgerson, you dolt. Spewing censored-media talking points. You don’t have to buy car insurance! If you don’t drive a car, you don’t have to buy insurance!
         However, if you don’t want health insurance, you STILL have to pay for it!
         Also, the reason we by car insurance is to protect the OTHER person in the accident. If I crash into someone and I don’t have insurance, THEY get stuck with the bill. But that’s unfair, because it’s not their fault. So that car insurance argument is not analogous to the health insurance mandate. Analogies need to be analogous.
         William James, you moron. If YOU don’t like the Constitution, YOU go the hell to Mexico! Don’t go selfishly changing this country just so you don’t have to get off your ass and work for the things you want.
         Everybody who supported this stands right alongside the government as it rapes us true Americans. You’ll all realize soon what absolute, naive fool you are. The only reason you support Soviet-style health care is because you don’t know what the hell it is, thanks to your censored mainstream media and our Controller in Chief.”

  • The Rippage of a New Ass Hole for a Snarky Liberal

         Someone I know from my Tuesday-night Bible studies–let’s call her Mary–wrote on her Facebook page, “President Obama is coming to GMU!!!!”  (GMU, George Mason University, is a local college here.)  I commented under what she wrote, “Why is this a good thing?”  Other people commented as well.  One person, knowing that Mary is a strong Christian, was rightfully surprised that she would make such an ecstatic exclamation about Our Lord and Savior Obama, and asked, “You’re a liberal?”  Someone else chimed in: “Guys, they prefer to be called ‘progressives’ now.  Didn’t you know that?  It got too easy to say ‘liberal’ with a negative connotation.”  And finally, Mary herself added to the thread of comments: “I didn’t know going to see what the positive aspects of the new health care idea was going to be seen as being ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’  I just thought it was part of being ‘well-informed.’”  Well, since she argued back, I continued on:
         ME: “Listening to Obama will make you ill-informed, not well informed, haha. The Congressional Budget Office even says Obama’s numbers are gravely incorrect. Obama has been caught one to [sic] many times lying about this bill–proven lies. To listen to him is to fill your head with lies. And even if there are a few good things in the bill, it doesn’t make up for all the evil in it, and all the communism in it. Like, you know, lowering our health care system to that of European countries, and Canada. Canada’s own Prime Minister a few weeks ago fled Canada and came to the U.S. to have heart surgery. ‘Cause, you know, Canada’s health care system is good enough for his citizens, but not good enough for him. He wanted top-of-the-line care, so he came to America. Just like everybody else does in every other country. Also, if this bill passes, Obama will have officially become a dictator: According to this bill, all Americans will be forced to buy the government’s insurance whether they want to use it or not; they will be forced to buy a product that they don’t want (dictatorship). And if they refuse to buy the insurance, they get a hefty fine from the government (dictatorship). If they refuse to pay the fine (I most certainly would refuse), they get thrown into prison (dictatorship). The government is saying, ‘Buy our product, or else go to prison.’ Also, I’m surprised you support this, being a Christian. The bill federally funds abortion. That means you, [Mary], will be paying for other people’s irresponsible behavior; that means you will be paying to kill babies. A Christian cannot support this and still claim to be a Christian. And a Christian can’t support Obeyme–er, Obama–for all his past and present attacks on Christianity.”
         And here comes some random guy named Hunter to protect Mary from the facts I gave her (crappy punctuation included just as he had it in his comment):
    First of all, the representatives are the ones that are making the laws not Obama. The representatives are elected by their constituents to make laws pertaining to you and I (although I will give it to you that it is definitely a one sided vote that is taking place). Secondly, please don’t try to make [Mary] feel guilty and do some introspection of your own; your tax dollars are going toward plenty of killing already in all of the wars that we are fighting which is probably fair to assume that you support. Thirdly, is this the cold war? McCarthyism? And finally, if you are using the word to as a synonym of also, it has two o’s.”
         Before I copy/paste my incredible reply to him, I have to first say “thank you” to Hunter for providing me the opportunity to rip him a new *sshole; God knows I love doing it:
    “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hunter. Hold on one darn second. Are you saying that the word ‘too,’ when meaning ‘also,’ has two o’s in it? Are you serious?! Daggone! Good thing you told me, man, ’cause if you had made the normal assumption that it was just a typo, you’d have been so dead wrong. Hey, did you know ‘Cold War’ should be capitalized? You did? Okay, then it was probably just a typo when you failed to capitalize it in your comment. But don’t worry, I won’t pick on you for it.
         “Now, onto things that actually matter:
         “First, I’m not trying to make anybody feel guilty for supporting something so evil. I’m just stating facts. If the facts are unpleasant and/or inconvenient to face, I’m not gonna do what the mainstream media does by censoring those facts. And if someone feels guilty for supporting this evil, that’s their problem, not mine.
         “Second, Obama had a large hand in writing the bill. And if he didn’t–though he did–it doesn’t mean he doesn’t approve of the bill; because he most definitely does. Otherwise he wouldn’t have bribed congressmen with taxpayer money for their vote; he wouldn’t have shut Republicans out of the process by writing the bill behind locked doors with Democrats only, not allowing one Republican to have a say in the writing of the bill.
         “Third, the current bill fixes none of the problems in our system, which, despite its flaws, is still the best. There are only a few things wrong with our system, and this bill doesn’t address a single one of them. It’s a power grab. As some famous socialist in history once said (though I forget who it was), ‘Once you have control of the people’s health care, you have them in your back pocket.’
         “Fourth: You know what? You’re right. My tax dollars go towards lots of killing and other bad things. So the fact that we’re adding another evil to the list–infanticide–is unimportant. I’m glad you helped me see the light: as long as we spend money on one evil thing, it’s okay to spend money on two evil things.
         “Fifth: What about McCarthyism? Joe McCarthy was right, for one thing. But what does this have to do with a Marxist health care bill that adds to our deficit, cuts Medicare, takes away our right to choose our own doctors and our own treatments, putting that decision into the hands of government bureaucrats instead, and allows the government to imprison us if we don’t buy their product?”
         I mean, come on, people.  Am I good, or am I good?  When he addressed my typo and I addressed it right back?  Ooh-hooo!  I love it.  I applaud myself, I really do. 
         Now, if Hunter comments back, I’ll be sure to post it, followed by my response, here.

  • Quote of the Day

         From the increasingly stretched lips of our Speaker of the House of Congress, Mrs. Satan, also known as Nancy Pelosi:
    “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

         The bill she’s referring to is of course the health-care-takeover bill that President Obeyme and his fellow Marxists have been trying to force upon us for about a year now.
         The question I have for any Democrat voters reading this is this: Do you support this idea that we have to sign a bill into law before allowing us to know what’s in it?  Is there a Democrat voter out there who can admit that this is pure corruption?