February 16, 2010

  • Obama Breaks the Law, Kills at Least 1,500 Jobs, Send Billions to ACORN

         NASA’s Constellation program–a program aimed at putting Americans back on the Moon within the next ten years–is being forced to shut down because of Barack Obeyme’s budget for them. This will kill anywhere from 1,500 to 1,700 jobs on top of the millions of jobs already killed since this president took office, a huge blow to our economy.
         Florida Congressman Bill Posey says only Congress has legal authority in such matters, not the president. “[This] administration’s unilateral decision to cancel contracts associated with the Constellation program, absent [of] Congressional consent, is a direct violation of the law and of Congressional intent,” he says. He is also correct.
         But of course, breaking the law is not an impeachable offense for Obeyme. Obeyme gets do-over after do-over after do-over. He doesn’t get the same punishments as us little people do when we break the law. Obeyme is above the law. The president no longer works for Americans now that we’re controlled by a socialist regime, you see; America works for the president. Welcome to the USSR.
         On top of this, Obeyme’s 2011 budget plan will send $4 billion (yes, billion with a b) to ACORN. ACORN, the community organization group with whom Obeyme has had heavy involvement, and which runs prostitution rings of underage, illegal-immigrant prostitutes! What? Why?! Why, President Obeyme, are you making us taxpayers provide for the running of underage, illegal-immigrant prostitution rings? Maybe one of the reasons you don’t have money for NASA, el presidente, is because you’re throwing billions to corrupt organizations!
          While we scrap NASA funding in the name of paying instead for underage prostitution, China and India further advance their space programs. Can you believe that? Losing to communist China in the name of advancing prostitution.
          Anyway, because of Obeyme’s unlawful interference in this issue, NASA might be able to file a quo warranto against him. (A quo warranto is a written order that requires the person to whom it is directed–Obeyme, in this case–to show what authority he has for exercising some right or power he claims to hold.) Because NASA employees’ personal lives will be directly damaged by Obeyme’s actions (due to their job loss), it seems that they would have reasonable standing to do this. Let’s just hope they have the courage to take on the Marxist in Chief.

Comments (11)

  • There being less government jobs is usually good for the economy, since they fund themselves not by out-serving the competition, but by having the IRS or state government force it out of people. That said, NASA is a step better, since it is private but contracted with the gov. And now Obeyme’s (that is clever) idea of cutting bureaucracy is transferring taxes from innovators to an immeasurable worse bureaucracy. I can totally believe that.

    Where can i look up information of Acorn being involved in prostitution?

  • @Roaring_T_Rex - 

    Fox News is the place the broke the story about ACORN’s prostitution. A guy named Andrew Breitbart posed as a pimp and his friend posed as a prostitute, and they had hidden cameras on and walked into the place and, just, look it up. It’s amazing. brietbart.tv is the Website I THINK. Or breitbarttv.com Something like that. But yeah, it’s a huge thing now. Good old Fox. The only place with the balls to report on that kind of stuff.

  • God you’re gullible.

  • @Roaring_T_Rex - 

    The ACORN pimp thing was total bullshit, he didn’t dress as a pimp in the actual videos and the interviews were highly edited and basically just madeup bullshit. They went in there weaving a story about how they needed help because a guy who had sold his girlfriend into prostitution as a minor was pimping out 13 year olds and they wanted to rescue them, then they edited the tapes and claimed they were helping them set up a child prostitution ring. They were later cleared of any wrongdoing by local authorities while the “pimp” is wanted for felony charges in two states and awaiting trial for the attempted bugging of a US senator’s office.

  • @agnophilo - 

    ACORN is total B.S., Silly.

  • @Roaring_T_Rex - 

    That isn’t a coherent thought.

  • And to the blog author – still no response?

  • @agnophilo - 

    Whoop, sorry. The first notification got bogged down with other e-mails on top of it, so it slipped my mind.

    Let’s see, a response? A response to what? Your complete faith in a news sources whose sole purpose for existence is to cover up for the president and tell only half-truths? Whose job it is to only report on things (reluctantly) that could cause a scandal for the president if Fox or other, independent news sources have already uncovered it?

    The Obama Administration decided not to fully investigate ACORN because they know it’s corrupt. Obama has know it’s corrupt ever since he started working for them long ago. He was one of the trainers that trained ACORN members how to bully banks into giving out sub-prime loans, thus causing our housing crisis. He knows their corruption. There are more than just the one video of ACORN employees telling people how to commit tax fraud and aid in establishing prostitution rings for underage, illegal immigrants. There is no analyzing what the ACORN employees said. They said it outright. There is no mystery as to the meaning of what they said. Hell, ACORN officials even “took action” against those particular employees! ACORN understands the crimes that were committed, and you’re here defending them when even THEY admit there was corruption. Stop putting your head into the sand at the command of the Obama Administration and the censored, mainstream, liberal media. Take it out of the sand and wake up, guy. Not for your sake–the sake of one person–but for the sake of everybody in America.

  • @BecauseIamDonnieDarko - 

    Um, no. What I said was based on reading the un-edited transcripts downloaded from james o’keefe’s website.

  • @agnophilo - 

    Hehhehheh. No! Cerhornt you’re a thought. Hehhehheh.

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